Hot Topics for Seniors – Thurs. Sept. 8

PSARA-150Brown Bag Lunch and Discussion: Protecting, Strengthening and Expanding Social Security and Medicare for ALL Generations

Please join Robby Stern, President of Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA) and Chair of Social Security Works Washington for lunch and a lively multigenerational discussion about the status of Social Security and Medicare now and for the next 50 years. And, join other senior, health care advocacy and community based organizations to see how we can work together to insure not only the preservation of Social Security and Medicare for future generations but also make the necessary changes to enhance benefits in both programs. All generations need to fight together to insure real retirement security today and tomorrow.

Social Security has been one of our governments most successful programs for over 80 years. It has helped seniors, children, families and the disabled. Medicare is another successful program that for 50 years has provided seniors and other Social Security recipients medical care. These programs have been successful and will continue to serve seniors and future seniors for many years to come. They are not going away. However, because of the deep income inequality that has become the reality in our country and the inability of the vast majority of our population to save for retirement, it is time to mount a campaign to expand these two vital programs.

Part of the Series: Hot Topics for Seniors (and Senior Wannabes!)
Location: The Bridge at Village Cove
Time: 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Address: 6850 Woodlawn Ave NE Ste B

RSVP to Susan: or PSARA 206-448-9646

The Bridge at Village Cove, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action, Green Lake Community Council, Physicians for a National Health Program – Western WA. Washington Community Action Network, Washington State ARA, Puget Sound Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, Health Care for All-Washington, 32, 43 and 46th District Democrats, Pride at Work, AFT Washington Retiree Chapter, Phinney Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Wallingford Community Senior Center and Phinney Neighborhood Association.

