Draft Zoning Maps for Green Lake
The Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) zoning maps are available at hala.consider.it. This is part of the overall Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda. The proposed changes to the Green Lake neighborhood are not as significant as some other neighborhoods, including Roosevelt.
- No changes are proposed to the Green Lake Residential Urban Village boundary
- Only a small area shows a proposed zoning change.
However, what is more significant is that the definitions of the zones do change. For example, what’s currently known as Lowrise 3 (LR3) has a maximum height of 30′, plus some nuances like 5+ for a pitched roof. In this proposal, that changes and LR3 has a “Total perceived façade height from sidewalk level is about 57’.” For more details on this topic, take a look at wallyhood.org/2016/10/draft-zoning-maps-released/
You can view the map below, or download the full PDF of the MHA draft zoning changes Green Lake.