Recording Available of April 24th GLCC/PRCC Co-Hosted Zoom Meeting Revealing Major Changes Coming to Seattle Neighborhoods

by Shana Kelly, Chair of Green Lake Community Council and Alice Poggi, Chair of Phinney Ridge Community Council

Green Lake and Phinney Ridge Community Councils co-hosted a ZOOM meeting with City Planners about the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan and changes proposed for zoning and land use regulations in our neighborhoods. Many questions came up about the new ‘Neighborhood Centers’ mapped at 65th/Phinney, Tangletown, and Winona Triangle. Other questions had to do with the state legislature passing HB1110 last year that allows between 4 and 6 units on every residentially zoned lot (i.e., the former Single Family zones now called NR zones.)

The DEADLINE for comments on the Environmental Impact Statement accompanying the proposed One Seattle Plan is May 6, 2024 at 5 pm.

See the map of expanded Urban Centers and Neighborhood Centers in District 6 on the Seattle Comp Plan Update Info page.

A Major Seattle Comprehensive Plan Draft & EIS has been Released with a Public Comment Period Open until May 6th. This link takes you to the full Comp Plan, related EIS and other resources and background information on proposed zoning and land use changes.

Click here to go to the Engagement Hub (where you can leave comments Follow the links to review the proposed Comp Plan which calls for increased density in all neighborhood residential areas as a revised Growth Strategy. The Plan addresses many elements from Parks to Public Utilities.

To review the recording of the 4/24/2024 Zoom Meeting follow this link and use passcode: ZH3g4&*J

