Minutes of the GLCC Meeting Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021

Call to Order – Paul Kostek 7:02

Wallingford Historic Building Project – Sarah Martin

Architectural historian. In volunteer work, on board of Historic Wallingford. Formed in 2017 as 501(c)3. Public launch in 2018. Wallingford has a large collection of 20th century residences. Has a rich architectural history. Not a single residence is designated as a landmark.

Talked to residents about the possibility of a historical district. Hired Northwest Vernacular to lead effort http://www.historicwallingford.org/feas-study-2019/ 

Identified four areas that are eligible for national designation. Focusing on north side of Wallingford, north boundary of 50th St, south is 46th St. This is a fairly good sized area. Has been working on fundraising, working with a core group of volunteers. Right now can only do research online.

Question: Lucy

How big of a role do volunteers play in your research?

Answer: Take a look at https://www.nps.gov/nr/feature/places/15000499.htm Need about 15 volunteers to help with the work.

Parks Department – Colleen Hackett

This year is a bit harder, and doing best to catch up on the last year. Most projects are capital improvement projects. Hands full cleaning up the benches, ballfields, turf. No specific or large scale projects like path improvement or shoreline path.

Gravel path – maintenance. Will work on the section between community center and pitch ‘n putt. On the list, about a third of it will get done this year.

Problem: sometimes people take it upon themselves to start pruning. Can cause more problems. It will often die back. Green Lake has a lot of nice trees.

Geese: is there anything being done to control it? No. They are definitely feasting. They used to get rid of them, but it’s been a long time. There isn’t a program for that right now. Have tried a lot of things at the ballfields. Some reflective tape has been successful. Not a good strategy right now. May need to look at grant or what’s out there for what’s allowed.

Rob Zisette: It is a city policy to not capture or relocate. Previously tried to relocate to Eastern Washington. Used to oil eggs. Is likely still legal. Animal welfare people aren’t too happy about it. Eastside city contracts with Department of Agriculture.

David Graves: You would also likely have to coordinate with State and Federal Fish and Wildlife since they are migratory birds.

Is it possible to get more logs for the turtles? Pruning to see them? Can look into that.

Is going one-way around the lake during covid still a policy? Yes. Haven’t received too many calls? A hard one is the bikes. Have talked about coming up with more permanent signs, but that fell through. Bike path around the lake might mean taking bikes off the inner path.

Needle cleanup on the shore? Not a regular cleanup. They are often in the bathrooms in the morning.

Parks Encampment Manager – Donna Waters

Covers all park districts. Due to the stay in place mandate, we are in an encampment removal moratorium. Haven’t removed any since mid-March. Do handle trash mitigation. Encourage people to use trash bags, dumpsters. Do service Green Lake once a week.

There are 30-40 tents around the lake. Right there is a Clean Cities project, where the city is partnering with SDOT and SPU. Working in quadrants, trying to target areas. Green Lake is in NW quadrant. Will work with SDOT to do trash routes to do sidewalks and right of ways. Do encourage people to use Find It Fix It.

Even with removing debris, it has to be documented to make sure they’re not throwing away someone’s property. There are lawsuits pending regarding campsite property. Even if it’s an abandoned encampment. Will actually store property. They have 70 days to claim property. When someone bags it and throws it away. Liability falls on Parks. Field coordinators have to determine that debris is ready to be disposed of. There are 11 employees who work entire city.


Green Lake Community Center – David Graves

Wrapped up conceptual design for community center. It’s like decorating a tree. You put every ornament on that tree, then you cost it. The number is somewhat unrealistic. Next step is to dig into where we can save some significant dollars.

Building is of such age to be a city landmark. Was built in the 30’s. Evans pool was done in the 50’s. The roof of Evans pool was designed by the same person who designed the roof of the King Dome.

No funding identified yet. Will take the features people are most enthusiastic about, and see how to work them in.

Friends of Green Lake – Rob Zisette

Still going hard on floating ecosystem project. Busy trying to get permits for project. Forming a consortium with King County to take a team approach to understand that floating wetlands that we don’t need to mitigate for. Being careful how to approach that. Planning wetlands in Lake Union and the ship canal too. Have some great permitting experts on leadership team.

Supporting the We <3 Petition, to help homeless situation with parks, and Green Lake specifically.

Goose population. Also very interested in identifying population trends and what control options are available.

No water quality testing in winter. Visibility is measured, as well as water temp. No algae blooms since 2016, which means 5 years and was the minimum expected for the treatment.

Field 2 doesn’t discharge into the lake. Field 7 does. Probably switching to cork instead of crumb rubber. Cork does have some nutrients in it.

David Graves: We are replacing both Field 2 and 7; 2 is completed and 7 is still underway. Both will be a cork/sand infill.


