Department of Neighborhoods Newsletter – January 23, 2019

New  Seattle Neighborhoods Newsletter

Some changes have been made.  Each Newsletter has all the news that is the news organized by South, Central, and North areas.  Plus a lot more. The new newsletter is available by subscription.  Sign up, and get ready to mark your calendar!  If you have feedback, questions, or news tips, please reach out to the Department of Neighborhoods by email.

Save the Date! Neighbor Day 2019  

Mark your calendars and join us in celebrating Seattle’s 25th Annual Neighbor Day on Saturday, May 4. Yes, it is a bit later this year. We decided to move it into Spring in hopes of taking advantage of nicer weather while also giving people more time to plan!


Neighbor Day is a special day set aside to reach out to neighbors, make new friends, and express thanks to those who help make your neighborhood and community a great place to live.  (Learn More)

Watch the Video

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