Green Lake Elementary School Asks for Community Support on Playground Design

Come to the Green Lake Elementary Playground Design Meeting Tuesday December 11th from 6pm-8pm

Mark your calendar and join us to participate in providing design ideas to re-imagine the playground at Green Lake Elementary. This is a community event for adults and children. Food and beverages will be provided. Leave dinner up to us!
The objective is to develop a master plan from community input that offers an inclusive play experience mindful of our diverse students, families, and community. Check out / Print out / Share the Green Lake Elementary Community Meeting Flyer.

This is a multi-year project and your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please take 5 minutes to share your experience and provide input by completing our survey. Click here to take the 5-minute survey:

For more information please email:  This project is funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.



