Green Lake Community Saying NO Don’t Privatize Evans Pool/Green Lake Community Center
About the issue:
People are upset about the suggestion that the Green Lake Community Center be privatized by the Parks Department by partnering with a group like the YMCA or other nonprofit entity. Parks says they don’t have the money to cover the large cost of replacing it (estimated at $25 million) and that it needs too much to be saved.
The Metropolitan Parks District bond fund created by public ballot was to provide the funds for the new boiler, HVAC, and pumps that are needed, they say. The pool has had frequent closures due to equipment failure, and the promised funding has not happened, even though it is available. The concerned group of pool users are putting their voices together to get funding action from the City of Seattle. Learn more about it on their Facebook page: SAVE Evans Pool and Green Lake Community Center and see the March 27 Seattle Times story: Don’t privatize Seattle’s favorite community center! They also encourage those interested to attend the upcoming Seattle Board of Parks Commissioners meeting on April 27. Here is a link to their agenda.