Green Lake Community Council and Friends of Green Lake Support Petition

Green Lake Community Council Joins Friends of Green Lake in Supporting the Petition to Address Homelessness and Protect Our Parks

Act Now to Address the Crisis at Green Lake.

The Green Lake Community Council joins with the FoGL to support this petition to the Mayor and City Council to address the homelessness situation and protect our parks.  Our parks are a resource for the entire community and allowing the expansion of homeless camps not only damages the parks but also limits access to the community as a whole.

Paul Kostek – Chair
Green Lake Community Council

To Seattle and King County Residents –

In pursuit of our mission to protect recreational and wildlife uses of Green Lake, the Friends of Green Lake fully supports the petition to protect people, parks, and our shared environment.

Homeless camps at Green Lake Park are impacting our much-needed recreational uses and wildlife habitats in the park and on the lake. Contamination of the lake with human waste and garbage is a real threat to public health, camps in the shoreline wetlands are impacting our restoration efforts and the many wildlife uses, and burning of our ancient trees is destroying decades of care and critical bird habitat.

We recognize that homelessness is a complex and growing problem that needs solutions to a multitude of causes. We believe there are better places in Seattle for homeless camps than our highly used and environmentally sensitive public parks. We urge Seattle and King County to find alternative locations where homeless camps will not be so impactful to human and wildlife uses of environmentally sensitive areas. Please sign the petition if you agree.

Rob Zisette, President
Friends of Green Lake

