Hot Topics for Seniors (and Senior Wannabes!) at The Bridge at Village Cove Time: 12 – 1:30 p.m. Address: 6850 Woodlawn Ave NE Ste B Summary: Topic will be memoir writing about “Women in Feudal Society,” with Prof. Violeta Kelertas and librarian M. Racys reading from and talking about their forthcoming book.
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Major changes effective March 2016 affect Green Lake area bus riders!
1) Nine routes will be deleted. Deletions include Route 16. 2) Four new routes are planned. New route 62 replaces 16 but turns at Ravenna to go to Sand Point. 3) Thirteen routes are revised. Revised route 26x replaces route 16 north from Green Lake to Northgate Transit Station, but buses come less often. King […]

Metro Long Range Plan Open Houses and Survey
Dear Community Partner, Metro is beginning our second phase of outreach on the Long-Range Plan and we have teamed up with Sound Transit to host a series of joint Open Houses. The open houses will give King County residents a convenient one-stop opportunity to help shape two important planning efforts- Metro’s Long-Range Plan and Sound […]

New North Precinct Police Station
Learn more about the new North Precinct Police Station project, including project status, preliminary designs, proposed schedule, opportunities for public input and more at this open house. New North Precinct Police Station Community Open House Saturday, June 6, 2015 10 a.m. to noon Bitter Lake Community Center Annex @ Broadview Thomson Elementary 13040 Greenwood Ave. […]

How Can We Become a More Elder-Friendly Community?
Aging & Disability Services (ADS)—the Area Agency on Aging for Seattle-King County—wants to know how you think we can become a more elder-friendly community. Every four years, ADS develops a plan that charts the course the agency will take in creating an elder-friendly community. ADS looks at demographics and other trends, and major service goals […]

Cyber Safety Principles
Downloadable resource from recent NPAC meeting: SPD CyberSafety Principles

DPD Notice of Public Meeting
Area: North/Northwest Address: 8200 Wallingford Ave N Project: 3018118 Zone: SINGLE FAMILY 5000, STEEP SLOPE (>=40%), ARTERIAL WITHIN 100 FT. Notice Date: 09/04/2014 Contact: EDWARD NOLAND – (206) 340-9500 Planner: John Shaw – (206) 684-5837 The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is currently reviewing the application described below and will hold a public meeting […]

SPD Victim Support Team (VST) Recruting for Fall Academy – Deadline Aug. 22nd!
Volunteer with the Seattle Police Department’s Victim Support Team (VST). Respond to Officer requests to assist victims of domestic violence on weekend hours, where you will provide much needed support and resources during a critical time for safety and services. All VST volunteers complete a free 50-hour training academy that provides the comprehensive and diverse […]